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Package a software with version xx.yy-zSandro Tosi, 13 August 2006
Debian Policy states that "The upstream_version may contain only alphanumerics[33] and the characters . + - :" and "If there is no debian_revision then hyphens are not allowed;", so xx.yy-z is a valid upstream version (for a non-native package), but how to handle this while start packaging that piece of code? Ok, we have the upstream archive as foobar-xx.yy-z.tar.bz2; extract it in a dir called foobar-xx.yy-z and cd into it. Execute the command dh_make -f ../foobar-xx.yy-z.tar.bz2 but sadly, dh_make generates this: Package Name : foobar-xx.yy which is wrong! In order to correct this, you have to correct just a couple of files: debian/changelog change the first line from foobar-xx.yy (z-1) unstable; urgency=low into foobar (xx.yy-z-1) unstable; urgency=low debian/control change Source: foobar-xx.yy into Source: foobar Now you have to rename ../foobar-xx.yy_z.orig.tar.gz into ../foobar_xx.yy-z.orig.tar.gz . And that's all: you can test this generating the source package of this very preliminary version of a debian package: debuild -S -uc -us