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*Alcuni comandi utili utilizzando find
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*Bash e Argument list too long
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*Continuous disk access
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Title: Continuous disk access
Author: Sandro Tosi
Last modified: 2005-09-17

It  might happened  that you  wonder `What  the hell  is  accessing my
disks: I'm doing nothing!'.

Ok, first of all, explain what  ``nothing' is; if you're burning a CD,
you have  to access  the file to  burn, and  even if you're  running a
peer-to-peer  program, disks accesses  are normal.  So make  sure that
really nothing  ``strange'' is running on that  machine; following the
usual culprits:

o  Filesystem type

   Do  you  know   what  filesystem  is  on  your   disks?  On  recent
   installation there will be journaling filesystems. Such filesystems
   commit  changes to  disks at  interval (for  example,  default EXT3
   interval  is 5  seconds), so  if you  noticed such  regular access,
   maybe they are  due to the filesystem and so you  don have to worry
   about it.

o  ATime mount option

   For every  file in the  filesystem, the inode records  three times:
   change, modify and access time; try

   $ stat <a_file>

   to see them. The atime (access time) it's written every time a file
   is  accessed, even if  the file  is cached  in RAM  and so  no disk
   access is needed.  If an application keeps read a  file (so it will
   be  cached),  the  atime   is  written  all  the  times,  accessing
   disk. Since it's  a mount option, to disable it  you have to modify
   the /etc/fstab (or the  mount command line) adding ``noatime'' into
   filesystem options.  I've read this option  increase the throughput
   of kernel.org of about 25%.

o  slocate/updatedb

   These programs  do a full  disk search for updating  the ``locate''
   database.  When they  are  running you  can  see a  huge stress  on
   disks. You  can even think to  remove from cron  daily run (default
   configuration) to put in weekly or manually execution.

If the common causes before don't work, you could always 

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump

and monitoring the disk accesses with dmesg.